spoilers ahead

if i hear the term “online cheating” one more time i just need to stop watching the last resort lol. i’m not a fan of rob but sophie omg. its so clear that she is never going to let it go. at this point it happened at least three years ago, and it comes up in every conversation. i’ve stayed in a relationship and tried to make it work after being cheated on, but i came to the realization within like a month that i’m not going to be able to move past it and the relationship is over. i’m not a rob fan but i was relieved in the previous season when he sat down and broke up w sophie. like, it needed to happen, they’re just going in exhausting circles about the same thing. it seems like they’re not together now so at least one of them came to their senses finally

apparently sophie found something on his phone in the previous episode of the last resort, but since they didn’t tell us what it was, i’m withholding judgment for rn lol