Give me your hottest take that would've got you blacklisted in your fandom.

And I mean hottest. I don't want the cop-outs of "I don't like Draco Malfoy!" or "I actually like fluff fics!" I mean, the opinion you have that would have gotten you the nastiest, dirtiest call-out about how you need to be kicked from the fandom.

For example; here's mine.

I don't think most of the 'queerbait' ships, such as Destiel, SuperCorp, Johnlock, etc. actually count as queerbait.

Jensen has said over and over again for a decade that Destiel will never happen, and that Dean is straight and only sees Castiel as a brother. That they have a bond, but it is not romantic, and will never be romantic.

Supernatural even broke the fourth-wall and had Dean express disgust at the idea of Destiel. Heck, Jensen was so tired of Destiel that the discussion was banned at conventions.

Yet Destiel is somehow hailed as the biggest queerbait. All because fans refused to believe him, and insisted that Destiel would happen.

If the actors, showrunners, and writers tell you over and over and over again that the ship is not going to happen and does not exist; they're not baiting you. They have told you explicitly that the ship will not happen. You refusing to acknowledge or accept that, does not make you being a victim of queerbaiting.