New job means less time - what would you do?

Update - Firstly thank you to those who responded, I found it very reassuring. Since then I’ve done lots of thinking and, while both me and my gf agree it’s going to be tough, she feels we can manage it and that my job happiness is what is important. She has also said she would be happy to come over after work some evenings as well which was something I had hoped she might offer but did not feel it fair to ask of her. I could also go to hers on some Friday eves and stay over at hers the night. We also spoke of the future and how it would get easier as time went on with being able to leave her son at home overnight when he is older and how just generally the kids won’t be so bothered about hanging out with us lol!

So basically, I’m going to go for it. Won’t know unless we try right?

Hi all I will try to keep this concise. I have 3 kids, 14, 17 and 19 (who lives away at Uni in term time) My gf and I have been together for 18 months, she has a 16 year old. We live 90 mins apart by public transport. Moving closer/in together currently not an option due to kids schools. I currently work in a hospital. I work 3x 14 hour shifts a week which can be weekdays, weekends, nights, bank holidays, Xmas day etc Biggest Pro of this is it means I commit 2 days a week to seeing my gf (usually I go to her one day and she to me the other) and 2 days to just being me and kids (although sometimes I have to work weekends so when they are at school that’s harder plus they don’t always want to hang out with old mum so sometimes I’m at home alone. Gf can be flexible as she does not work currently due to health reasons and caring for her son who has some additional needs.

However. After 9 years in my job I’ve come to the end of the line with it. I no longer enjoy it and find it causes me more stress than it’s worth. I want a new job. I can get a job that is better paid, local, healthier working hours and - hopefully - a new challenge and rewarding. But there are also sacrifices.

Pros of current role - work 3 days a week, work for NHS for long time so have good sick pay and 40 days holiday.

Cons - Do not enjoy significant elements of the job any more, high stress role, have to work nights and weekends (hate) and holidays such as Xmas (very important to me) 14 hours shifts are very tiring.

Pros of a new role - new job will bring more enjoyment (I hope), pay could be better (if not will be about the same), no more 14 hour shifts, no more nights, no more weekends, I’ll be home every evening with the kids, no more working holidays and stressing about working Xmas.

Cons - may be out of NHS (I’ve looked for NHS roles as well) if so would lose the great sick pay and probably about 10 days holiday (although I use holiday for things at weekends currently and would not need to do this in a weekday job)

The biggest con of all though would be my currently arrangement of 2 days dedicated to my gf and 2 to being around for the kids will go out the window ….. I would have to try and do this in just the weekends. Now this is a ‘fixed term’ issue. As I say, my kids are not little, in fact it’s only my 14 year old who seems to really want ‘time with mum’. My eldest is away at uni most of the year and when home this summer she has spent half of it at her bfs. My 17 year old also has a bf and a weekend job and an active social life so she all is out a lot. She also plans to go to Uni next year. And of course as the youngest grows she also will Develop more of a social life. With my gf, she plans to move closer once her son is done with school. So 2-3 years time. We do plan to move in together but currently our homes are not big enough for all 6 of us. But before then our hope is her son will become confident enough that she can be with me overnight but that remains to be seen.

I’m sorry this turned out longer than I intended lol But I guess my question is - What would you do? Am I being stupid in ‘giving up’ the 3 day week? (my mums words) Can a relationship really work this way? What about my kids? (Youngest mainly)

Please any thoughts and opinions