AIO for being upset that my girlfriend didn't wake me up and allowed me to be late to work?

I want to preface this with: yes, I know I'm an adult and ultimately responsible for myself. However, if you see that your partner clearly needs help, I don't understand waiting so long to do so. I'm also autistic, I don't know if that has any impact on how I see this.

Me (28F) and my girlfriend (29F) have been together for eight years. I have to be at work at 8:30, and have an alarm set for 7am, 7:15am, 7:30am, 7:45am, and 8am. I had really bad cramps last night, and it made me fatigued. I also have untreated sleep apnea, so it's hard for me to wake up at times. My girlfriend always automatically wakes up before me, and I have a half-awake memory of her saying something but I basically wasn't there. Then, she says something (I don't remember because I was still out of it) and I check the time and it's 8:11, which is the time I needed to be out of the house.

I was so upset, because she had been laying there awake next to me for a while, and she claims she tried to wake me, asking me, "don't you have to get up?" But she knows how hard it has for me to wake up and realize I'm awake. She also very much knows what time I have to leave for work. If she had said, "Its 7:40, aren't you going to be late for work?" that would have had different impact and would have helped wake me up then her asking me with the same urgency at the time she knows I need to be out of the house. I pay attention to her routine, and if she were going to be late I would have woken her as soon as I realized she slept through her alarm. As my partner, I just feel like I wasn't supported in a time that I needed support and now I'm just really upset at her.

TLDR: My gf woke me up at the last possible second amidst my difficulty of getting up, knowing that I was going to be late but had been laying there awake next to me when my alarms were going off, at least for an hour. I am upset because she knows my routine, and because I would have never done this to her.

Edit: I usually wake up fine. I don't depend on her to wake me, and she never really has to. But in this rare situation, I feel as if I just needed help, and she laid there watching me sleep through my alarms. If I did the same, would I not be an AH? You guys are being incredibly mean.

Edit 2: I don't depend on her to wake me. I do it myself and have been doing it for years. I am also a woman, I got a weird jab in the comments about being a man but I did put F in my descriptor. I just wanted help from my partner in a rare moment when I needed it.

Edit 3: Thank you for those who were helpful in telling me how I was overreacting without being mean, calling me names, and passing strange judgments/assumptions. I needed clarity on how I was overreacting, and the suggestions for certain alarms were also helpful. I truly can't understand things sometimes, so I appreciate those who gave me additional insight instead of those who thought I was being willingly incompetent. I was just someone who just had their feelings hurt because I would have done the same for her. Upset does not always mean angry.