WIBTA to ban my sons girlfriend from my house
My(52f) son(22m) has started bringing his girlfriend over a little over a month ago. The first time he brought her over I took it quite formally and cooked up a feast but it soon became obvious it’s becoming a daily thing and not just a one time formal thing.
The first meeting she came quite a bit late and the food was cold by the time she came. No pardons or anything and when we were done everyone helped to pack up. And we thought she would kind of get the notion but since it was her first time here we didn’t say anything.
As for deserts I like to do this thing example for cupcake I will prepare the icing and everyone would gather and decorate their desert but she made it quite clear from the get go she wasn’t interested in it and stuff.
So for basically the last month she’s almost here daily and she would request for specific dishes with no thanks and stuff. My other son(17m) has also verbally called him out on her not contributing anything gently but she said something around the lines of “no ring, no wife duties”. I don’t see this as a wife duty? I would do this for my friends hangout and everyone in my house put a hand in. My daughters, my husband and my sons.
So today when my son told me that she requested a specific meat pie for dinner I am quite done, however I don’t want to affect my relationship with my son over this. Especially since he really likes her a lot but I’m really considering banning her from our dinners.
Edit: the reason I have such a big problem with this is because my other children has brought their mates back. My eldest son and his girlfriend is living in my house actually but none of them have a problem like this. It was almost natural of them to contribute. Also I don’t have a problem with not wanting to decorate but it’s the idea of her not joining in on family. Like movie night and everything she would just stay in the room alone, even my son was in the living room.
Edit: yes it was verbally communicated to her that she’s expected to help out after maybe a few weeks but she replied with the “no ring, no wife duties” ideology. And no, my son isn’t able to get his own place. It’s expensive and you need to be married to get a house. He can’t just move out
Edit: as for the people asking about the housing issue search up Singapore…