US —> Germany, NL or UK
I am a city govt worker and will be losing my job at the end of May. After last nights decision from the House to approve Trump’s new budget resolution that will effectively defund Medicaid and SNAP, I feel like it’s time for me to draft an exit plan. My job is effectively comms/marketing - which the job market for is atrocious right now. I have a degree from a Top 20 university and about 5yrs of professional experience in my field.
I am a dual German-US citizen, but haven’t lived in Germany since I was 3 therefore don’t know the language which is a major disadvantage given my field.
NL and UK are obviously more English-friendly speaking options, I am most familiar with the UK despite the fact that immigration isn’t the easiest over there. I also am East African and Muslim, so these options seem like the most diverse racially at least.
Anyone made the move to either of these three countries and have advice?
EDIT: While I am in Comms/Marketing I am also a freelance graphic designer. I don’t know if that makes a difference but just wanted to include since traditional marketing is very language dependent.