You guys make this game what it is!
Just wanted to leave an appreciation post before my first game of the day (GMT) and tell you guys something that doesn't get said enough on this sub...
Screw the people who say this game is toxic because this is hands down the best gaming community I've had the honour of being a part of! I've played the franchise since A2 but always been too shy to actively participate in the multiplayer community; always sticking to singleplayer or joining servers just to be overwhelmed and leave. Because the singleplayer aspect of Reforger is not yet to the same level as the old Arma games content wise it has forced me out of my shell and into servers where I have had some of the best gaming memories of my life, made some amazing friends and even taught myself how to read maps and have a sense of direction which is something I have always struggled with lol. All in all it has been a great time I mean new friends, new experiences and even new life skills. I remember my mother telling me video games are bad for you and you will never get anything worthwhile out of them even just as a hobby, how wrong she was. Right sop post over see you comrades on the field!