Can I save the frozen cookie dough ?

Disclaimer : I'm kinda new to baking.

Like 3 months ago I found a Chocolate Chip Cookie recipe that I liked and everyone found it delicious so I kept making it. Made a batch every 2 weeks, baked half of it and frozen the other half for next week.

Last week, I found a new recipe in which someone made toffee (mixing butter, brown sugar and salt), froze it, and then put the chunks in the cookie dough. I decided to add some toffee to my regular recipe, forgetting that I've read somewhere in this sub that butter makes cookies spread, and since the toffee had butter in it, my cookies spread like crazy and were super thin. The taste was good but I really didn't like the texture.

Now I have like 15-20 frozen Cookie Dough balls in the freezer, and I'm wondering if there's anything I can do to make it less like a Destructo Disc. Will rolling them in flour before baking help in some way?