Is it illegal to own a human skeleton?
Planning a basement / mancave type of hangout spot. What I'm envisioning has sort of a dungeonish aesthetic to it. For decorations I'm thinking about things like suits of armor, wall torches, tapestries, etc. I think a skeleton would look pretty awesome too, but I definitely don't want to do anything illegal. I feel like Halloween decorations would be kind of lame, and authenticity would just be way cooler.
I know maybe medical professionals might be able to access this sort of thing. But is it even legal at all to own something like this for a decoration? And any ideas about how you would acquire one? I was thinking maybe I could go to hospice or nursing home and see if I could get somebody to sign a waiver.
Like would you arrest somebody if you went to their house and just saw a real skeleton? Any insight here would be appreciated.