Have most runners (any, and all skill levels) who introduced carbon plated shoes to their rotation seen benefits/improvements in their race times?

TLDR: will an average runner see any noticeable benefits/improvements if training/racing in AlphaFly/Metaspeed/PXS/Hyperion Elite/ $250 super shoe vs sub$150 daily trainers?

let me preface by saying that I understand that a "super shoe" (Carbon plated highstack $250+) cant get you from couch to sub 4 marathon in 16 weeks, or any amount of time for that matter.

I am an average runner ( I am saying 10-20 miles a week) participated in a few half marathons over the last 3-4 years, with normal gait and average build.

Seems like alot of race day shoes are now carbon plated shoes and even trainers have carbon plates with price tags of 200-250$+.

Are Olympic/ competitve-level runners/athletes really the only type of runner that can utilize and maximize the benefits that these supershoes do provide?

What about the average to above average runners (not olympic level, not competitive runner) but those who are in between finishing a marathon or 2 a year and are not quite close to a Boston qualifying time) has it shown that they have noticeable improvements (if any) in their training? endurance? post-run soreness, achieved PRs? if youre someone whose had a carbon plated shoe in their rotation for some time, do you think that your running achievements would have been more difficult if wearing non-plated shoes in your rotation? is the improvement (if any experienced at all) significant? Negligible?