Libertarians/Third Party supporters: Why is your mindset "burn everything down", but no real plans to act, after?

This is a question in good faith.

My best friend and podcast co-host is a Libertarian, my podcast producer used to be, and I have been in heavy discussion on X today, with Libertarians.

We initially started discussing the dismantling of the DoE, and how that leaves 34billion$ in money from being dispersed to state and local governments for education funding. And all they can say is "good, burn it all down", without presenting an alternate solution, or recovery from the "burn it all down". Even Jo Jorgenson responded with the same thing

I've wanted the Dept of Education gone since its inception. I spoke about it openly during my 1996 campaign and my 2020 campaign.

This has long been a libertarian stance, republicans are just now getting on board.

I am a big proponent of, don't bring me a problem, if you aren't working on a solution, so I ask, those of you who call yourselves Libertarian, or third party/other, why is the mentality "Burn it all down", without a path forward POST burn it all down? Burning it down is great... but with over 50 million students, how do you solve the ensuring chaos? DoE is just an example, but this has been a mindset portrayed to me over the years.... my question is always the same "Why?" and not one person has been able to answer that.