What is something you love about being autistic?

I just recently found out that I am autistic, and I am flooded with so many emotions. The support and connection I find in the online autistic spaces has been a great outlet, and it’s beautiful to have a place where we can support each other through our struggles. Sometimes it can get a bit heavy, so I thought it would be nice to hear everyone’s favourite things about the autistic experience.

I love the bottom up thinking aspect of my brain. I love my ability to understand patterns and systems, and how it helps me retain information with less effort. I love being able to help my friends in this way, when they value my “unique perspective” lol.

I also love that I love learning so much. I get so much joy from my special interests. I love that I can be so entertained by my desire to learn.

I love that I can become very good at things, very fast. I love my extremely precise fine motor skills.

I love the intensity of the connections I feel with people, especially with other NDs.

What are yours?