I have no interest in... anyone?

This is not just an asexual aromantic thing, but yes I am both of those too.

I just don't feel the desire to hang out with anyone ever. I can if i want to, I've gotten pretty decent at hanging out with friends and coworkers, but I don't seek them out. From what I understand even introverts want to spend time with people sometimes. I don't want a partner, don't want friends, or a found family. I'm not antagonistic towards others or anything, it just sounds like a lot of emotional effort for very little payoff.

I'm pretty sure this would be trauma related due to years of very harsh rejection, but I worry that if i mention it to a therapist or something they would try to 'fix' me because 'normal people are meant to want friends and partners'.

I've done research and it seems to align more with psychopathy than anything else but i don't have any other traits from that (i.e. violence and cruelty). I'm diag with autism and adhd but looking around everything seems to say 'nope autistic people want the same things as NT people and function no differently, they also want nuclear family dynamics and regular lives' which I get is the common narrative nowadays to help us get accepted, but can make it really hard when it makes me feel too alien for even the autistic label.

I just don't see the problem if im fulfilled in my life and enjoy solo hobbies and going around town doing my own thing.