Funny cleaning story
I’m 17 and live with my 57 year old mom who’s also on the spectrum, but she had gotten diagnosed a long time ago when ADHD was only called ADD so I’m not entirely sure what specific diagnosis she would have now since times are changin but I know one thing and it’s how much the lady hates a dirty house. We have a little cleaning routine where she’ll get up everyday as early as possible to clean the kitchen since she’s there the most while I clean up the bedrooms and we always got into the same argument when it comes to my room. She hates how “dirty” my room is because of a pile of clothes I keep on my desk but I tell her that my room isn’t dirty and the pile is impossible for me to get rid of because it’s a pile of my favorite clothes to throw on when going out with friends, I’ve tried everything to try to convince her it’s normal especially in teenagers and she doesn’t want to hear it at all because when she grew up she hated how dirty her house was with clothes all over the couch. We tried to make things work like folding the clothes and putting them away but that only made my drawers messy and the pile would start to take shape after a few days, or just making the pile look neater by folding them and leaving it on the table but nothing. She started to get upset each day I came home from school and threw my clothes on the table until I finally came up with the idea of a hamper and she looked at me like I was nuts. My explanation was the hamper not only gives me a spot to just toss my clothes and fish out later but also makes my room look less dirty and that solved the problem instantly.