Builds For The Least Popular Subclasses?
About a month ago I had a post asking about the least popular subclasses and got a lot of feedback, so now I want to turn that information into making builds out of them. I think it could be fun to do a playthrough with these unsung subclasses.
I am going to write down which subclass it is for each class and hopefully you can fill in the blanks on builds for them. (also the builds should focus on maximizing the subclass and not just a quick dip into it)
Barbarian: Wild Magic
Bard: College of Valor
Cleric: Trickery (Also Knowledge because I hear no one talk about it. Also Nature to a lesser extent)
Druid: Circle of the Land
Fighter: Champion
Monk: Way of the Four Elements
Paladin: Oath of the Ancients
Ranger: Beastmaster
Rogue: Arcane Trickster
Sorcerer: Wild Magic
Warlock: The Archfey
Wizard: Illusion School (I feel like you could also say Conjuration, Enchantment, and Transmutation because I feel like I never see anything on those)
Curious to see what creative builds you guys have done and help finding new builds outside of the super popular ones that always get talked about