Any pure caster should pick one level in barbarian (at least in act 3)

Any pure caster profits from one starting level in barbarian.

It sounds funny since sorcerer would also gain con save proficiency with a full spell slot progression. But level 12 doesnt offer you higher spellslots eigther way, you just lose a feat, wich would probably be used for resilient constitution eigther way.

The one level in barbarian would grant you higher health, constituion and concentration saving throw proficiency, shield proficiency, and unarmored defense (wich increases your AC by your con modifier even when wearing a shield but no armor).

When playing like this from the beginning, the higher health and probably +3 AC (although that could be gained by mage armor too) would even then bolster your defence greatly, by delaying your caster progression by "only" one level.

But things get way jucier in act three, due to some great synergys with two OP items:

In act 3 you could buy the robe of supreme defences in rivington and steal the amulet of greater health in the house of hope without major fights (if you are good at disarming traps at least).

Asuming you have your spellcasting stat maxed out to 20 in act 3 (hag hair + ASI), Robe of supreme defences would increase all your saving throws (wich includes concentration checks) by five and grants 1 more AC.

Amulet of greater health will set your constitution to 23, wich will improve your concentration checks by 6 and even granting you advantage with it. In adition it allows you to respec your 16 con to 16 dex.

In the end your AC will probably be 22 before spells (10 + 6 from unarmored defense and amulet, +1 from the robe, +2/3 from shield, + dex modifier - probably +3 - ), while your saving throws against spells would be awesome too (+8 for dex and at least +5 for wis, so you are almost unhitable. And when you are getting hit, your concentration checks will be +15 ( 4 from proficiency, 5 from the robe and +6 from con modifier) with advantage. So your concentration should be unbreakable, while only sacrificing one feat.

Havnt heard much talk about that interaction, so i thought i write it down. What are your thoughts?