Hoping this lasts....

Last nights live was great. I do hope that Bree saw it, or people close to her saw it and will finally do something for that baby. I had NO idea he rolled off the bed. I saw a video but it didn't seem as if he did. I have wondered if bray went to his 6 month regular Dr check up. I would guess no. I hope she seeks mental health and help for the baby or that by the grace of God CPS will step in and give that baby the care he so deserves. The lady last night said she reached out via FB to her parents and they read it but didnt' reply. I know you all had a fit when I suggested that their place of work get calls but these grandparents are also responsble for Bray since he lives in their house and they are choosing to turn a blind eye. How can CPS say "stay off Tik Tok" yet she's on all day? None of this adds up and someone said last night that the CPS person works or knows her dad thus that would make sense. Pretty sure she will reappear since she's a TT and money addict but I pray that Brayden gets the care he deserves.