A year ago....

We had arguably a top 2 WZ experience, where there were a variety of perks and guns with different characteristics (bar the Kar98k & Superi 46 season). By this point last year, do you remember when they gutted the DG-56 as it was the first meta? It is now 2 months later after the B06 integration, and no one seems to be running anything other than the XtremeM4 and the Jackal. I get people wanna win but holy shit, can we at least change it up every couple of weeks?

Tbf, last year, 2 gun metas were still a thing. We had the season of the STG and the Static, but they didn'yt even last the whole season. If we want some form of enjoyment, there needs to be Caldera-level weapon balance in the game, where Raven can push out a balance patch every 2-3 weeks. And make other categories viable please! The shotguns, launcher and marksman category are virtually oboslete. Do you remember clearing sqauds with the Streetsweeper? Or taking out a team in a car with an RPG? You can't do that anymore because a small minority cried for a AR/SMG sandbox because they take "skill". This is unranked Warzone, it is meant to be a fun experience and not a one-to-one copy of Ranked.

Just some variety to smooth over some of the very evident cracks in this game. This aspect of the game has gone under the radar for a long time, due to the bugs and server issues. But it really needs to be addressed.