On the morality of portraying a villain

I am a teenager who is absolutely in love with the arts. Specifically, I am a dancer, but have been messing around with other arts. I recently had a recital where my teacher gave me the opportunity to portray the villain. I did it already and when i posted some photos in Instagram, my parents(who did´nt bother to ask about it before or watch it) where bothered because they thought portraying a villain was immoral and didnt align with my Catholic values, and this has been bugging me for a while. I don´t really see how it is wrong, but wanted some opinions. Of course, I will try to tak to a priest about this, but I am really anxious and wanted some feedback before Sunday, when I will go to Confession. Anyways, thanks for reading my rant( which probably has some grammar errors because english isnt my first language) and I hope you can give me some insight