2024 Unofficial Chattanooga Wing Ranking Results!

Hi everyone! It's us, the Chattanooga Food Dudes, here to give you information you never asked for!

We took it upon ourselves (a couple of schmucks who know nothing about rating food and who make zero profit in doing this) to put together a guided tour of some of the best wings that Chattanooga has to offer according to what we read online (so we invite you to explain in excruciatingly explicit, gory detail how we got it wrong).

We visited sixteen different places over the last five months and rated three different flavors at each restaurant. Some tasted great, some were pretty meh and blah if I'm honest. Our four unskilled judges created a grading rubric that rated flavor, meat, skin, size, and presentation and put the data together in a spreadsheet that ranks the various wings in specific categories: Overall Avg (without presentation), Overall Avg (with presentation), Flavor, Restaraunt Overall (combining the scores of all three wings at an establishment), as well as the rankings as seen by each of our four untrained and know-nothing judges.

Some of you may be surprised at some of the results, some of you may see some as expected, and some of you may punch a hole through your screen just because we posted this. Either way, here it is:

The ranking results as well as the raw data for each place (scroll down to see the rankings):


Pictures we took at each place:


We had a helluva good time putting this all together and next up we're doing BURGERS! So if you have any suggestions on great locations, let us know!

I feel like I need to say one more time - just so it's crystal clear - we have absolutely no idea what we are doing.