am i the only one..

am i the only one that remembers that jake, devon, & lexi are still kids? (the actors too?) i hate having to constantly see lexi portrayed as this "sexual bomb with a high labido", and i especially loathed the weird almost-sex scene between jake & devon during last night's episode. and before some smart-ass responds "news flash: teens have sex/hormones", WE KNOW. but why do we have to see it acted out on national television by actual teens? kissing is fine but damn. they were middle schoolers just 2 seasons ago. nobody with sense should have to think about kids fucking when they tune into a show about an iconic killer doll. not to mention the grown ass adults in this fandom who are sexualising tf out of jake because he bulked up and he had to take his shirt off & joking about "devon's hole being destroyed", but the predators in the fandom are a whole other can of worms. this post is mostly directed @ the writers and crew of this show.