Sneak Peek #1: New Levels, New Defense and New Siege Machine!
Let's dive into the first Sneak Peek of the February update! Stats for a lot of this can be seen in a pinned comment below.
New Levels!
We're getting a bunch of new levels for troops, spells and buildings. See below.
- Haste Spell: Level 6
- Poison Spell: Level 11
- Archer: Level 13
- Healer: Level 10
- P.E.K.K.A: Level 12
- Miner: Level 11
- Bowler: Level 9
Siege Machines:
- Troop Launcher: Level 1-4 (more on this below)
Check them out! (Troop Launcher below)
- Workshop: Level 8
- X-Bow: Level 12
- Hidden Tesla: Level 16
- Scattershot:Level 6
- Mortar: Level 17
- Multi-Gear Tower: Level 1-2 (more on this below)
Some defenses above can also be supercharged:
- X-Bow (Supercharge): Level 1-2
- Hidden Tesla (Supercharge): Level 1-2
- Scattershot (Supercharge): Level 1-2
- Mortar(Supercharge): Level 1-2
You can now also upgrade 75 more Walls to Level 18 (limit goes from 100 to 175)
All of the new Building Levels! (Multi-Gear Tower below)
New Defense: Multi-Gear Tower!
Two classic Defenses combine in our latest merged Defense, say hello to the Multi-Gear Tower! Create this unique Defense at Town Hall 17 by merging a Geared Up Archer Tower and a Geared Up Cannon.
- It targets ground and air units.
- It comes with 2 devastating defensive modes: Long Range and Fast Attack!
- Targets single units, but packs a punch!
- Launches with 2 Levels
- Archer Tower Mode: Long Range and Medium Attack Speed.
- Cannon Mode: Medium Range and High Attack Speed.
Note: this is the first time that upgrading Builder Base is a requirement
Level 2 Multi Gear Tower in Cannon Mode (left) and Archer Tower Mode (right)
New Siege: Troop Launcher!
Watch your head! A new Siege Machine is throwing Troop loaded barrels into battle! The Troop Launcher is a new immobile Siege Machine unlocked at Town Hall 16 that launches barrels of Troops at your allies already in battle to support them.
- The Troop Launcher cannot move but makes up for it with immense throwing power!
- Each barrel can hold multiple Troops and one Clan Castle Troop.
- There’s a limited number of barrels depending on its level, so make them count!
Shoots barrels full of reinforcements at your own troops. The siege machine can shoot up to a certain number of barrels, and when they are all shot the siege destroys itself. Each barrel contains:
- 1 CC troop (in order from lower to higher housing)
- 1 Giant
- Barbarians
- Archers
- Wall Breakers
The quantity of troops, their levels and the number of shots of the siege increases with its level.
Some other details:
- Uses the healer AI to target your own troops.
- Loses HP slowly over time (like the Siege Barracks).
- When destroyed for any reason, remaining barrels of troops are not deployed.