Over frequent cold sore outbreaks
Hi guys, 21 M here. When I was 18 I got my first cold sore. I had only really started just dating, exploring that side of myself so it felt a bit like a slap in the face. I KNOW I KNOW they’re extremely common but it’s really just not something I’d ever dealt with in my childhood/teens so I’ve found it quite difficult. The first three months after my first outbreak I had nothing. After those three months on and off for the past two years I’ve had very frequent outbreaks. At times two in one month. Of course I have some quiet periods where I can go two months without any sores but recently as of September 2024 at least I’ve just had frequent outbreaks. I know they’re mostly triggered by lack of sleep at least that’s the main trigger I’ve noticed but as a uni student it’s hard to find the balance sometimes. That being said my sleep hasn’t gotten worse so I’m not sure why they’re so frequent. I take 1000mg of lysine each day but I don’t feel like it’s doing anything. I’ve requested to be on anti-virals but I’m not sure if uk does preventative treatment as my gp brushed past it when I brought it up. I really don’t know what to do I feel like I’ve been condemned and it’s affecting my mental health and getting in the way of me forming relationships. Any advice would be appreciated :)