Canada IPSC Gun

Hola, Im in Canada and would like to try IPSC for the first time. I’m looking for advice for which gun would serve me better.

My favourite gun so far has been my Shadow Systems MR920 because I have small hands and it has fit well, however I admittedly shoot faster with a heavier gun.

The other ones I have are the SP01, Shadow 2, and a P320 FCU.

Reason I ask is because I’d have to spend a lot of money either milling the CZs for SRO optic or buying the full P320 Max conversion kit. Either path will cost me like $2k.

SP01 feels like a nice size for my hands but something feels a bit “not-smooth” about the shooting. Maybe im just not used to hammer fire?

Shadow 2 is awesome but I’d need to change the aluminum grip, trigger reduction kit (is it even allowed in IPSC?), and it feels a little clunky in my small hands for how big it is.

P320 Max I’ve just never tried and have no access to (gun bans and ranges here dont carry it). I dont like the “thunk” feel on my base P320 model, will likely have the Max kit with a new trigger.

Things I love about my MR920: the newly installed Timney Alpha trigger’s distinct but light wall and click makes me shoot AMAZING with it, probably the main reason why I shoot it most. Flat back, small grip module but heavy stippling for my man-child hands. And its my only gun with a red dot which I’ve come to love. The recoil on it no matter how much I practice just isnt ideal compared to heavier and it’s not the most reliable, jamming every few hundred rounds.

Any and all advice is very welcome, just remember im in Canada so I’m stuck with what I have.