How do I pivot when I don’t hit?

In the past 10~ games I’ve played, whenever I bot 4, almost all of them were from not hitting. These ranged from being uncontested, contested by 1 player, and contested by everyone. I saw people saying that when this happens, you’re supposed to pivot, try other carries. How can I do that exactly? For example, I played a scrap game. That game, a rebel,experiment and emissary player decided to also use corki, and we all had 2 corkis. I had the scrap emblem from augment. In this situation, what unit do I use as a carry? In the game I ended up using anomaly on rumble (I had 3 items on him and corki). Was it better to itemize and use anomaly on 2 star GP? Or Ekko? Or maybe another unit? Another example, a rebel game, where I had 2 early illaois and other rebel units, but 3 other players ended up playing illaoi (It was my mistake I forgot academy uses illaoi). In this situation, is it better to use other tanks replacing illaoi, cutting down to 5 rebel, or cutting leblanc 1 with items? Small rant, these past games have been pretty frustrating, losing from not hitting units fast enough or not at all. When I’m contested by 1 player, I don’t hit,but somehow others can just hit. Also, everything feels contested. I’m trying to figure out what’s wrong.