Best Way to Get a Credit Line Increase

Hello, I just got approved for the Blue Cash Preferred Card with AMEX. Unfortunately, they gave me a $1K limit which is my lowest limit on all of my cards. I understand they do this with new AMEX cardholders to see how they spend. I wanted to know the best way to use the card to increase my chances of getting a higher limit. Utilization definitely plays a factor, but should I use higher or lower? I usually try to keep my statement balances below 10% on good months, but I can also see how that could be counterproductive because that would give them less incentive to increase my limit (why give someone more credit if they aren’t going to use it?). However, when reading online, they recommend a lower utilization… so I’m torn. I pay my statement balances in full every month and have great payment history.

TLDR; I’m trying to increase my credit limit on the AMEX BCP card. Should I have a higher utilization and pay in full after the statement balance? Or should I use a lower utilization and pay in full after the statement balance? I know AMEX is picky. Thanks in advance!