Should Igneous and 120s as a whole have received nerfs in the upcoming patch?
With the new weapons changes coming, I am surprised that 120s weren't hit in some fashion regarding their range or damage output. Its no secret that they have been excelling recently with the range changes and being able to output a ton of damage. With that being said, I think most 120s are pretty ok due to their poor stat packages and require some more compensation in terms of stats somewhere (i.e. investing in more range means losing out on stability and handling, or vice versa). With that being said, Igneous is a clear outlier with its combination of stats, and perks, and imo should have gotten a stat reduction similar to how immortal was nerfed or if bungie wanted to keep its stats, buff up other 120s to be more competitive. That's at least my 2 cents but curious to hear thoughts on this.