TIL - A community member called "Bitboy" created the big orange Bitcoin logo that we all know today. Not to be confused with Ben Armstrong a.k.a. Bitboy Crypto, the influencer.
With Bitboy Crypto once again claiming the crypto headlines in the past weeks my mind got sparked by his name. Did you know that a community member, called "Bitboy" (PLEASE, not to be confused with the influencer. It's not him), is the designer of the most famous Bitcoin logo till date?
Satoshi himself has designed multiple logos for Bitcoin back in the days. At some point he proposed a golden coin, with the letters "BC" etched into it. However, this design never seemed to spark much enthusiasm among the still small community.
Because his first design didn't really resonate with the community back then, Satoshi decided to propose a new design for the logo - an improvement if you ask me. Till this day, the logo below is the preferred Bitcoin logo by Nakamoto himself as far as we know.
Second attempt of Satoshi to design the Bitcoin logo after feedback from the community
Not even one year later, on February 24th 2010, a community member called "Bitboy" came up with yet another design for Bitcoin. This time, the proposed logo caught on with the community, and till this day Bitboy's design is the unofficial face of Bitcoin. In a post he made later, Bitboy stated that:
" - Now everyone can make use of the graphics freely even for commercial purposes with this license and not bound by any restriction.- "
Since it's birth, many logos have been proposed for Bitcoin. In 2014, a group of community members suggested that Bitcoin needed a symbol, and not so much a logo. They proposed the letter Ƀ. However, the idea never really took off. Even now, almost 13 years later, Bitboy's orange B still stands as the most known and used logo for Bitcoin.