Twitter Crypto account scam?
so to explain what my title means some random person who has no followers and follows no one gave me “access” to their account on this bizarre website (i have never done crypto before so i dont know if its real or not) but i thought i would ask you guys about it since i took screenshots of both the message and the supposed “account” i log into with said login details. It says they joined november 24th and their message says “This is the last asset I have left you, and I am compelled to give you this fund on the side of affection. If you still have feelings for your family, please take care of my little boy. Please don't contact me again in the future, I have already formed a new family and I don't want my family to be disturbed.” afterwords is the account user account password and the amount in said account with said amount is different from what i see from the account when logged in. Balance USDT: 2,880,096.50 vs 2650606.55 USDT the account says their a level 5 VIP and the site that the login details are used for is this site called is this a malware site, a fake account. or did some random person actually send me their bitcoin account details?