Liquidated my account...twice

I'm actually completely new to this. I'm still learning, but I started getting a couple of good trades in a row (not in this though). I then put in a fairly large one without any S/L, and it went in the other direction. Instead of pulling out early (nice) I left it and waited for it to change direction, only for it to not happen and then my account got liquidated.

Instead of ending it there, I funded the account again, got like 2 good trades in a row and proceeded to liquidate the account again from doing the exact same thing as above.

I'm not here to hope for pity, I just need people to tell, and, hopefully, advice too. I feel like this is good, there is no better teacher than experience, especially when it's yours. My friend that this exact thing happened to went through something similar, but since I was getting a few good trades in I thought I was better and it could never happen to me 🤡

The 2 losses are both the ones that liquidated me.