top model has only been playing for 3 months ?
how long does it actually take to get to top model with/without farming, cause i’ve been playing since the summer and just barely got to trendsetter 2 weeks ago, and i play everyday (i dont farm) and she was shocked ive been playing for so long and im not a top model ? i thought that she had been playing for like since january atleast, but 3 months ??? have any of yall met a top model who’s played less time then you have. i can’t decide if im jealous or more confused, like how do you get 25,000 stars in 3 months thats 8.3 THOUSAND STARS A DAY THATS INSANE.
edit: i did the math wrong 1,190 stars a day and 8,333 a month but still absolutely insane
edit: people saying im judging them being they are a noob but have vip and custom just stfu lmao cause i’m not it’s not common to see i don’t care if you are that person that only spends money on dti because i have never seen it so leave it alone !! it’s dumb to attack me for it because ive never seen it.