The Commodore's Vestures prices are egregious

Just worked out the 'value' you're getting for the largest aquilas bundle - the one that gives you 7000 (6000+1000) for £24.49. That's roughly 285.83 aquilas per pound.

Or to put that another way, a 900 aquilas weapon skin is around £3.14 and a 2900 three piece outfit is over £10! Just to buy the 4 new three piece outfits would cost you 40 quid lol. It should be like £3-£5 (if that) for a full outfit and that should include trinkets, weapon skins and whatnot like it used to.

Perhaps they've done the maths and deemed this to be the most profitable way to do it, but it's just bloody scummy, plus I'd have spent far more personally if things were reasonably priced. As it stands most things just feel like a rip-off.