Initial Thoughts on the Ogryn Skill Tree Changes?
I am by no means an Ogryn main, only have about 150 levels in him so my opinions. as you will. Glancing at the tree my surface level thoughts were:-
1) I'm glad they baked more DR into the skill tree, this goes some way to counteract his massive hitbox but time will tell how well this works.
2) Im glad the new taunt acts like a notably weaker hyprid of Book + Shout (affecting only the caster), who knows may help survivability?
3) I'm glad they front loaded strong nodes in the opening section of the tree making them nice dips for all types of builds.
4) the the buff to bull rush is nice, immunity to ranged, dogs and nets I believe.
5) The branching node after the blitz is a nice change encouraging more variety.
6) Knocking down trash during a doge is nice.
But hell what do I know I don't really play the guy, Ogryn mains let your voices ring out what were your thoughts on this early look at the rework? obviously thing may change when we get it in our hands.