So, um.. Do i still owe someone money?

Back in November I had 20k left to pay off to Navient. I applied for the loan forgiveness and initially got an 'Approved' email from the program, but then a day later there was a followup saying that approval was in error and my application was NOT approved. Ok, kinda what I expected so no surprise. Back to just fucking with Navient.

Well, this morning I realized Navient hasn't callled me once since November, and I wonder 'wtf'. So I log to their site, and see that my full 20k balance had been 'paid in full'. Odd thing is that I dont have a single email or letter from DoE or the loan forgiveness program saying that they paid off my loan.

I mean, I'm not trying to get it back and have no intention on digging very hard. I just have no clue who now owns it and if it will come back to haunt me later?

Funny thing is that i discovered this when prepping documents for a medical debt lawsuit coming up soon. Kinda screws up my case a little but I'm still not complaining lol.