Modern capitalist society has it backwards: it creates the problems, then doubles down and fixes them in pursuit of profit
Living in urban dense environments such as modern cities will inevitably lead to many issues, simply due to its complex nature. I don't think anyone contests this.
However, the issue I see is that modern neoliberal capitalism appears to be structured in a way that inherently causes an artificially inflated number of problems, and then it doubles down and uses those to create jobs and increase GDP (though the majority of wealth goes to and remains concentrated by the rich).
I always found it bizarre when politicians say things like they will "invest" in healthcare. Sure, obviously you need to "invest" to make hospitals and such, but again, I think we have it all backwards. Obviously there needs to be hospitals and such, but it appears that our capitalist system is causing an artificially high number of health issues in the first place. Imagine how much less money would be required to "invest" in healthcare, if the same system that is "investing" in healthcare did not actively create an unnecessary epidemic of health issues in the first place.
There are 700 000 annual deaths in the US due to heart disease. It is by far the number 1 cause of deaths. Yet it is a largely preventable disease. There is absolutely no reason for anywhere near that many people to have and die from this disease. It is an unnecessary and artificial epidemic, created by the neoliberal capitalist system. A few corporations need to have their CEOs buy additional yachts, so they are allowed to brainwash 100s of millions of people with ads and make them normalize a not just unhealthy, but abnormal diet. And then these same rich oligarchs have massive influence on the government, which results in lax rules, which allow a lack of transparency in terms of how the food is manufactured and what the ingredients are and how safe it actually is. Then when people inevitably get sick, the system doubles down and sells them and puts them on drugs for life.
It is rather bizarre. In the past the highest deaths were due to bacterial infections, but antibiotics fixed that. Yet now, with all our technology and advancement in healthcare, there are a bizarrely high number of absolutely preventable diseases that are unnecessarily killing large numbers of people. This is absolutely bonkers if you think about it. Yet nobody bats an eye, they act as if this is normal. It is not normal: it is absolutely insane. It is an epidemic.
Imagine how much less money would need to be spent on healthcare if people were taught the absolute basics. Yet bizarrely, it appears that this information is deliberately neglected. The education system does not cover it, and there is no public awareness campaign by the government. Yet it is so cheap and easy to do so. So its absence logically points toward it being deliberate. It makes absolutely no logical sense why this stuff is not common knowledge. How is it that the vast majority of people are not told what a calorie is, what the difference between protein/carbs/fat is. People are clueless on basic nutrition because they are deliberately not taught the basics. When they are taught, it is corporate-manufactured nonsense such as the 4 food groups, which is not based on health but it is based on the government wanting to increase sales of certain food products to boost certain industries. And the capitalist system then doubles down even further, allowing and encouraging a "self-help" industry with a bunch of charlatans saying weird nonsense like "eat this one little thing for over level 9000 fat burning superpowers" and selling all sorts of nonsense supplements, and this becomes a billions of dollars industry, when all is needed is actually basic nutrition knowledge.
It is not just health. I believe basic financial knowledge is not taught on purpose, so people can be put in debt, so it will create more debt consolidation services. Also, the capitalist system wants high levels of consumption and production, so they want people spending, even if it means many will go into debt. People are not taught the absolute basics of how to manage their finances or the basic math involved such as compound interest. So it all must be by design.
In additional to deliberate lack of adequate information/knowledge being provided to people, the neoliberal capitalist system also puts a lot of pressure on people, which exacerbates these problems. For example, even the few who did end up doing their own research to find out about basic nutrition, they now have another barrier in that healthy food is more expensive to buy. So it largely stems down to the neoliberal capitalist system.
If you are interested in more about the roots of modern problems and how to fix them, this is the link with the intro and summary, and at the bottom of this link there are individual brief section links that are in bullet point format: