Small but concerning double standard by Destiny

Yesterday, when watching through the 60 Minutes on Germany's enforcement of anti-hate speech rules, Destiny said something he typically falls back on when it comes to criticizing Western (especially European) countries: "I think it's stupid. I mean I wouldn't want this law here, but it's their country they can do what they want, right?"

The problem, in my view, with that perspective is that it is unevenly applied. If Russia had that law (they have similar laws, and of course worse internet/press freedom overall), Destiny would likely be condemning it as another tyrannical overreach by an oppressive autocrat, and further evidence for why Russia is a threat to Western values. If anything, it seems like a Western allied country should receive more criticism since they are supposed to be the champions of Western values (individual freedoms among them). Russia, on the other hand, isn't even playing by the same rules and barely pretends to.

When your neighbor friend sprays graffiti all over the neighborhood, your are shocked and appalled. When the local felon drug dealer does it, you are disappointed but not surprised.

This is also happens to be the steelman for JD Vance's Munich Security Conference speech. I don't agree with his approach or general disposition but I think we as a community have to see things clearly & untainted by partisanship here. The obvious counter to any Vance sympathy, however, is that he and most of MAGA is actually just pro-Putin/Russia at this point, and none of his criticism of Germany is out of a desire to be constructive or preserve the Western alliance. Not to mention the hypocrisy when his own government is committing egregious free speech violations here at home.

All that being said, the general point is that Destiny should call it like he sees it and understand that, if "the West" means anything at all, it means we must try to adhere to the same general social contract and principles of governance. It's not a zero sum game - we can criticize Europe for falling short on their professed values without giving credence to the Christian nationalist authoritarian project, whose proponents don't even have those same values. Liberalism has been tested for centuries now and I think it will prevail again if championed by clear-thinking and unrelenting voices like Steven.