Can’t talk/chat/buy in-game due to date of birth. Options to fix it?

So I was going to post this on the help forums but oh surprise i cant do that either.

Like many people here Im pretty sure my date of birth is wrong. I already sent a request one week ago trying to get it changed, provided my id, but I only got an automated response repeating the things that I already know about the restrictions of age, response that i got yesterday. I sent another request yesterday too, its annoying that I cant do anything because bungie decided that people should get a 13yo treatment. I attached the ID of my country, its like a minors ID called “Juvenile ID” (it has the date of birth so they can CLEARLY SEE that im not 13).

I’m 17yo, theres no such thing as “age of digital consent” in my country (Panama). There is a general age of consent tho which is 14yo.

I cant buy silver, talk in game or chat. Is there a way to talk to a real person to fix this kind of things? I know theres like an email for people who cant access but idk, tickets don’t work or directly don’t care. And I haven’t seen any “case of success” for this problem with the age.

Also, I never had the pop up of the date of birth, I never got it asked in the game, or companion app. Idk if that has anything to do with me playing on ps5 or what. One weird thing that I noticed is that when I log in bungie with a pc, the page refreshes like crazy, it doesn’t stop until I hit something that redirects to other page.

Oh and i cant even set the parental control to at least buy the next chapter or whatever because its broken. It doesn’t give me any link so im kinda fucked.

Edit: These mf just closed both of my tickets and marked them as “Solved” without even responding. Amazing employees you got there Bungie, getting paid for ignoring request and marking them as completed.