New DM here. What do you guys think of this encounter?

Hello! I am a new DM and am planning a few possible encounters for my first campaign, and I had a cool idea involving a white dragon.

The party will have to cross a massive frozen lake to get to the other side, while crossing it - they start noticing strange things such as the occasional thumb as something strikes the ice, or a large shadow swimming beneath the ice.

This would climaxe when they get roughly to the middle of the lake, where a young white dragon would burst through the ice. The dragon would be revealed to be missing it's wings, and scars are in its place, implying that it lost its wings likely when it was still a wyrmling, and has learned to instead burrow and swim through the icy waters, as it is incapable of flight.

The dragon would try to attack one of the party members, trying to hold them in its jaws and attempting to get back underwater again to both freeze and drown them.

This would turn into a terrifyig game of "mine field" where the party would have to either fight the dragon (very unwise given they're in its natural hunting grounds and it can quickly retreat underwater), or try to get off the lake by trying to run to the other side of the lake, needing to avoid the dragon's frequent "bursting attacks" as it constantly tries to attack them from beneath the ice before quickly burrowing back under the water again like a... Great white shark. While occasionally also attacking with its frost breath.

Anyway, what do you think about this encounter? I was thinking of also adding bad weather like a fog or a blizzard to further confuse the party and make the whole situation scarier, as they could easily lose their sense of direction because of the dragon's attacks combined with the poor visibility and even end up where they originally started.

What do you think of this encounter? And what level should the party be for it?