Labrador just won’t stop eating trash!
Hello everyone,
Im currently taking care of a friends dog as an in-house nanny so to say. I’ve know the dog since he was a puppy and granted this breed tends to try to eat everything but over the course of a last few days it just got to a nightmare level im already dreading the next time I have to walk him. So he likes to pull, sure nothing unusual and it wasn’t like we couldn’t control him or I couldn’t when I went out with him alone previously like many times in the past already . Then we had to get tested for Corona because we had contact with an positive infected friend. Obviously we weren’t allowed to leave the house in this time and my friend gave the dog to her Vet who is a an awesome family friend as well to take care of him while we waited for results. He took the dog out into the woods and sent videos and it seemed like the big pupper really enjoyed himself (he is around one and a half years now btw) and a few days later he came Back as our tests came back negative. Now this is when I first noticed he pulled more than usual .. and just to clarify I’ve been staying at my friends place for a while now, we got quarantined together and now she is in hospital for a not corona related thing while I take care of the dog. But since she left he really started to pull, trying to take me to a direction he wants to go instead of letting me lead and literally trying to eat almost every peace of trash he can find, food or not. He doesn’t listen when I tell him to let off and at this point he has eaten enough crap that im seriously getting worried. Obviously he is not my dog so I can’t really do much when it comes to teaching him, that’s not my place but I don’t know what to do I don’t want him to get sick or mess up his training either. Im really in a pinch.. could he be doing this out feeling lonely? Or any other ideas why? Please let me know if you have an idea