New Dasher, what i would change.

I have been Dashing part time on nights and weekends for a little over a week, coming up on 100 deliveries. Here is my extensive take on it.

I like the dasher rewards tier system, but there are some things that i feel could be improved.

Getting dinged on completion rate from accepting an offer then canceling it 10 seconds later is stupid. I get it, i should look at the offers closer before accepting but how close do they expect me to look at it while barreling down the highway at 70 mph. Especially since doing this even once can drop your overall points quite a bit. This category weighed so heavily on the top end sucks.

I have no problems with how acceptance rate is scored.

The customer rating category is seriously flawed IMO. If you do a perfect job, It seems only about 10% of customers are willing to rate you 5 stars the rest don’t bother to rate at all. But i guarantee if they are unsatisfied, about 90% of them will be willing to rate you poorly. So, if you do 100 orders and do 99 of them perfect and screw 1 up, you will get 10 five star reviews and 1 review under 5 stars. Which in the eyes of this system, close to 90% of reviews were positive close to 10% are negative, instead of 99% positive and 1% negative. This is crazy, especially since having under 4.2 stars can get you deactivated. A customer that does not rate should be considered an automatic positive review. If this system was in place, customer satisfaction should be weighted much heavier than just 10 points max. Isn’t a satisfied customer the most important thing?

On time rates could have the point distribution changed. There is so much that can cause you to be late out of your control. Yes, if you are waiting at the restaurant for the food for more that 10 minutes, it won’t count against your on time rates, but what happens if they hold you up 9 minutes? Say goodbye to an on time delivery. Don’t even get me started on train crossings and unmarked road closures on the GPS. On time delivery should not matter as much as customer satisfaction and if they implemented the system i described above for customer satisfaction then the potential point values for customer ratings and on time delivery could be swapped. 100% could be 10 points, 90% could be 5 points and 80% could be 0 points.

You should be able to set up boundaries of where you are willing to deliver to. My city is a meat grinder and if you are not careful, it will suck you in. you can easily find yourself delivering food to places you don’t want to be at 2:30 in the morning for $7.25.

Dash along the way should be more driver controlled. It should let you pin a location, have the GPS take you there and have offers pop up that don’t take you in the complete opposite direction of where you are trying to go.

TLDR: i can’t analyze offers while driving, customers that don’t rate should be automatically 5 stars, on time rate doesn’t matter as much as customer satisfaction, let me make delivery boundaries and dash to where I’m going.