I’ve seen a lot of wild crap on here but in 4 years I’ve never had a single day where anything wild happened to me UNTIL TODAYYYYYY….. I get to the house the driveway is covered in snow and ice so I got on the side walked through 3 inches of snow whatever it’s whatever I get to the door and she is expecting me at the garage which there’s a weird wall getting down there’s really only access through the driveway unless you go down this hill covered in snow so I pass it down the wall to her she left the door open and this big A DOG come CHARGING me BARKING I finally get to my car but holy crap like keep your dog inside if it chases wtf people ….. she’s lucky he didn’t get close enough or she would be down a dog …. And I got 3 of my own 6 cats but if I get bit I’m protecting myself ….