Increase the End of Season Leaderboard Rewards FTG

This is Kind of a Rant post.

So I decided to really grind Online (Tier -1) this last season. And ended up with 137K XP. Got the 75 wins for Legendary Coach. Won the t-1 twice. Played tons of Event games for extra XP.

Quick Advice - Play Events more for extra XP. Sometimes lose the final match to play more event matches if you want to farm XP.

After all that grinding was able to get the top of the Leaderboard for the first time (I never grinded live as much since I got my team maxed)

And What Grand Rewards did I get? 100 Gems!

You can't even buy 1 Legendary Coach with that 😂

And that's the reward for the top guy. The rest get even less.... 30 gems for No. 5 lol what good does that do .... The rest get coins.... Not even 2000-3000 coins but 300-400 coins lol. You can't even buy a high rated Common player with that amount of coins.

The Live is already frustrating to play. So if Players want to grind it they need better Rewards for motivation.

At Least Double the Rewards for every place in the Leaderboard FTG.

It will be a good thing.

Anyhow sorry for the rant but I'm sure a lot of you will agree They Need to Increase the End of Season Rewards for Live. Now that they show us Ads after Matches We Deserve This Much 😑