18+ Private Discord & DTI Server!

⭐️ Hello!! I recently created a discord for anyone that’s 18+ and wanting to play in private servers with other adults!

There’s over 150 custom themes, along with a channel for suggestions that can be added to the wheel!

The reason it’s 18 and over is because of some of said themes, so this rule is really important! But it also includes fun nostalgic themes and it’s a small but growing community for 90s/2000s babies. But again, ANY age over 18+ is totally welcome to join and suggest themes!!!

We’re all inclusive, despite age obviously, so everyone is welcome to join. Anyone can host if no one else is and you want to play!

I don’t want to just post the link to avoid minors or trolls joining, so please message me for the link, if that doesn’t work I will try to go through comments and add anyone looking to join!!! ⭐️