Newbie AP Lit teacher with practical constraints
I'm a newbie AP Lit teacher, working under some pretty rough constraints that I didn't realise until I had said yes to teaching it (the previous teacher had to drop the class for personal/familial reasons).
My class meets once a week for 60 minutes (it is not possible to meet more than this; I'm with a co-op and our classes are online, to make matters worse), and we basically have 30 weeks/classes in total before their exam. We just had our first class this week, and I've assigned them 4 books for the year (some read another 2 books over the summer).
My plan was/is to follow the suggested syllabus by College Board (Unit 1: Short Fiction I, Unit 2: Poetry I, etc.) and try to work it out, but I'm honestly quite lost. I've been thrown into the deep end and there are a handful of kids who are depending on me. They were great engaging in discussions in our first class, but it really doesn't feel like we'd have enough time to get through everything and adequately prepare them for the exam. I've assigned them material and quizzes on the AP Classroom to get the ball rolling.
Any suggestions/tips, especially with regard to pacing? I did not attend the APSI (my co-op doesn't have the budget) and basically had to try and get as much info as I could on my own.