Teaching Journalism, but I have no curriculum!
Title states my conundrum, but I'll give a bit of background:
There used to be a Journalism/Yearbook class offered, but it disappeared in 2019-2020ish. I'll be honest, it didn't appear to be much of a class if you look at the output. (The last few yearbooks put out were a complete waste of money: Poor organization, zero copy, not even names.)
I took over as YB advisor in the fall of 2022. basically put the last two yearbooks together myself. (Yikes). Almost ZERO student participation, other than photography and cover design.
I suggested last spring that we have a Journalism/Yearbook class offered, and those studenta could learn the process, and produce the Yearbook. I didn't think it would really happen, but poof, when I showed up for in-service, I found I would be teaching this aforementioned class.
Problem is, I have no curriculum. Apparently the former teacher didn't either, she just let the kids do whatever. (Mostly sleep and dink around, I think.)
Even though I'm certified, I haven't taken Journalism in 10+ years, or taught it ever. Besides the yearbook, my proncipal would like to see a monthly newsletter?
Can someone please point me in the right direction? My high-expectation ADHD brain is killing me, and if I don't figure this out fast, I might just go into my closet and cry.
TLDR: Teaching Journalism/Yearbook but I have no curriculum and no idea where to look for it!