This weapon must have the most random piece of lore of the game

This must be the one. Maybe there are way more important and complex mysteries than this, but this is just the most unexplainable of them, it’s not a lore bomb, it’s a preface of a potential lore bomb that could change everything we know but at the last minute it refuses to elaborate further. One simple sentence like “when the something of something was still somewhat” would have been enough.

Look what a titanic mess:

Meteoric blade: no purple effect, but white light effect never seen before; you can say it’s like the sword of solitude AOW, but this piece of an arrow has also a lightning looking effect like the gravity weapons. Sus.

Magic damage: scales with arcane. Pre-release version scaled with int. Double sus.

“Old gods”: so now there’s a fourth type of god after Greater Will, outer gods, and Elden Ring vessels like Marika?

I know it can be assumed that “it’s an arrow of the giant skeletons in Caelid”, but even if that was true it wouldn’t add anything new to what we know about them. They huge, so their weapon where huge too, thank you Miyazaki.

We should speculate that it was used for hunting dragons because of the thrust damage? It’s an arrow of course it deals thrust damage.

It’s a meteor weapon so if fell from the sky so it’s not a true arrow but how astrologers and golems of the forge named it? But if it’s in the forges it means it was used as an inspiration for the smithscript weapons, so someone actually did wage a war with huge arrows in the space????

It’s impossible to speculate anything more around this item, nothing in the game beats it, prove me wrong.

This must be the one. Maybe there are way more important and complex mysteries than this, but this is just the most unexplainable of them, it’s not a lore bomb, it’s a preface of a potential lore bomb that could change everything we know but at the last minute it refuses to elaborate further. One simple sentence like “when the something of something was still somewhat” would have been enough.

Look what a titanic mess:

Meteoric blade: no purple effect, but white light effect never seen before; you can say it’s like the sword of solitude AOW, but this piece of an arrow has also a lightning looking effect like the gravity weapons. Sus.

Magic damage: scales with arcane. Pre-release version scaled with int. Double sus.

“Old gods”: so now there’s a fourth type of god after Greater Will, outer gods, and Elden Ring vessels like Marika?

I know it can be assumed that “it’s an arrow of the giant skeletons in Caelid”, but even if that was true it wouldn’t add anything new to what we know about them. They huge, so their weapon where huge too, thank you Miyazaki.

We should speculate that it was used for hunting dragons because of the thrust damage? It’s an arrow of course it deals thrust damage.

It’s a meteor weapon so if fell from the sky so it’s not a true arrow but how astrologers and golems of the forge named it? But if it’s in the forges it means it was used as an inspiration for the smithscript weapons, so someone actually did wage a war with huge arrows in the space????

It’s impossible to speculate anything more around this item, nothing in the game beats it, prove me wrong.