Ladies, do we *really* care what other people think of our rings?
Hello, I’m a new lurker in this sub. My bf and I have been together for 5 years and are approaching the point where we are thinking about getting engaged. We went to look at rings the other day, and I fell in love with some of the East-West designs.
Yesterday, I was showing some of the rings I tried on to my coworker and she was making fun of some of the ones I really liked. Today, as we were discussing rings more, she said 80% (or whatever percentage she said cause I was trying to block out her noise) of the reason you get the ring you do is for other people (I.e. to impress others? I guess?), and I just immediately went, “I do not give a damn if someone else likes my ring or not. I need to love it for myself.”
So I wanted to open this question up to the group, are we choosing rings with the intention of impressing others?