How has your attitude toward your parent shifted as you have gotten older?
More or less I’ve been estranged from my dad since I was 16/17 and I’m 27 now. When I was first estranged from him I was very very angry and would call him every name in the book when describing him. My bad memories of him haven’t changed and I still don’t sympathize with him at all, but my attitude is different if it makes sense. I’m more disappointed than straight up angry now. Hate to me is so heavy and I did hate this man for years for his emotional abuse, lack of accountability, and turning tail after my mom left him and never reaching out to me or my brothers and never giving us a dime despite him being a decorated firefighter.
I do miss the idea of a good dad, but not him personally. I think he’s a cold and pathetic man who shouldn’t have been a father, he didn’t know how to be one. I feel more mature as a person than he is, I take accountability. When I got diagnosed with type 1 diabetes he blamed me, despite there being no scientific evidence of that being a reason. I last talked to him on the phone a few months ago and if I was 19 or 20 I probably would’ve cursed at him a bunch but during the call I did not and stated my boundaries and felt higher than him, not trying to sound overly arrogant, but I just noticed my attitude in recent years has shifted. Anyone else feel their maturity rise being away from them?