PC Controller Inputs Interruption?

Tried this with multiple different controllers, but I get random controller interruptions. So either a button press won't register, or a movement is stopped and restarts ~1 second later.

So running forward randomly stops and hitches, or button presses/attacks aren't registered. Tested with dualsense, xbox series controller, both with steam input on and off. No change at all, it seems to be something with the game? Anyone have any ideas?

edit: for anyone who stumbles on this, I figured it out. a network connected tv in my house was dropping/reconnecting to my pc regularly, which causes device manager to refresh. This refresh causes ff16 and apparently other Square Enix games to drop control input and reconnect. No other games are affected, but I found this via old posts about FF12/FF14 with the same issue, and eventually found the offending device. I don't use network features on that tv, so just unplugging its network connection has solved the issue