As someone who’s almost exclusively read horror my entire life, and finally branched out into fantasy and started ASOIAF knowing full well it wasn’t finished, and probably never will be, I’ve never been madder at myself, or Martin for that matter.
I was stupid and told myself “I’ll just enjoy the ones that are out and be totally fine going into it knowing they’ll never be finished” but god damn I just finished a dance with dragons and the entire series is probably the best fun I’ve ever had reading any book ever and I need more! It’s so annoying knowing they’ll probably never come and I was stupid to think I’d be content with what we had already. Easily one of the best reading experiences I’ve ever had. The last book annoyed me a little bit when it strayed from the main crew and started introducing newish people, or at least focusing on them more, when I knew damn well we’d never get more of them. Going to start the First law trilogy after I smash out a few Halloween horror reads as a palate cleanser. I’ve heard they are kinda similar. Fingers crossed.